TUR Chapters 11-12

Prompt#11 Pages Read: 171-196 (25)

After they had been hiding and coming back out, Anne and the rest had heard that many farmers, noticed Sini’s impressive work on milking cows. So they hired her to milk and take care of their cows. As this happend the war was coming to a end, with the camps being attacked, as the Jews were able to be set free. Anne felt very lonely and annoyed that her sister kept leaving to go to her new job. One day Dini came over to tell everyone that the Canadians were coming to attack the Germans, but later that night a bomb hit Usselo, and blew up a bakery, possibly killing some. Some thought that Canada shot that bomb on accident. Later many airplanes passed by many houses, as Anne and the rest of the old folks, go upstairs to hide, as they all become horrified if they might die. Later they found out that many Germans had been killed and ran out of the area. As they all thank the soldiers of their bravery and heroism. After all the old ones  get sad that Anne and Sini now have to go, staying one night later to pack up the next day. At night Anne sees and hears a person riding a bike, as he rides by he glances at Anne as she duck down, with Sini saying that the war is over, and you don’t have to worry about anything now. As only a couple of months later, the killing of the Jews stopped in only 6 months. Even though this was all the story, it has a continuation of what Anne and her sisters did after, saying that Rachel came to take Anne and Sini back home. Sini saying that she has a boyfriend she can’t leave, Anne saying that she wants to stay a little longer. As Rachel goes back to clean the house, days later Sini’s boyfriend takes the sisters to their home, as their dad was still alive. With Rachel then leaving to live on her own, as with Sini, then Anne. 4 years later Anne comes back to Usselo to see the old ones who took care of her during the war, as it ends with showing her daughters where she hid, as one of them notice that she is crying, with the book finally ending. This book was a good book showing bravery to a young girl, and a good big long story about what would happen if characters like these, were in World War II.

TUR Chapters 10-11

Prompt#10 Pages Read: 151-171 (20)

Mr. Hanninck came over to tell the old ones about what he heard about the war. Saying that many people are trying to kill Hitler, to stop him from gaining any more power, or able to attack at any moment. Doing this had more Nazi soldiers searching for more Jews. That meant that Anne and Sini had to pick up and leave. Mr. Hanninck thought that coloring Anne’s hair, would have her look like someone else. So he said for Anne’s hair to be dyed, only a year left and the war shall finally be over, expect these innocent civilians didn’t know this. During this time, Anne and Sini had to hide near the Hanninck’ s home, as Sini becomes very emotional about how she is spending her life, and how is she going to spend it hiding. Anne seemed to act like the older sister, calming her sister down, as she tries to be silent, knowing that someone might find them. Even though I read twenty pages, I wasn’t able to get much important information about what happend. Because most of the pages talk about how Anne was feeling during these moments, in a big sentence, that made up a paragraph.

TUR Chapters 8-10

Prompt#9 Pages Read: 131-151 (20)

Now that Rachel is here, Anne and Sini ask how long she is going to stay, she only says until midnight I leave. Therefore Anne and Sini have a minimum time to see Rachel. She seems to not say much to them, only when she notices Anne’s walking posture, she gets mad at Sini for not having her exercise more. After Rachel leaves, Sini and Anne wants to get a tan, because of how long they’ve been inside. They stay outside until Johan comes back from work. Once they come back inside, Anne says that she fells cold, even though they have been outside for quite a while. They realize that Anne has gotten a cold, as Mr. Hanninck helps her get rid of it, as she is later cured. Even though not said in the book it seemed that, Anne didn’t have a problem. One day a knock on the door came on, Anne says that it could be Mr. Hanninck, but he just left. Sini and Anne realize that it was two German soldiers searching for Jews. They hide in the closet that Johan putts a board over to not been seen. The German soldiers take some valuables, from the old ones. Then after the door slams Anne and Sini are safe as one German Soldiers was on the stairs and could’ve seen the board but didn’t. The war is coming to a end, but no one knows this, but hints of the fall of the Nazis and Hitler being assasinated but fails. The story is almost over, and I believe that the story is very well made, as it is fictional, making it feel real.

TUR Chapters 7-8

Prompt#8 Pages Read: 122-131 (9)

After Anne’s birthday passed, Anne helped around the house by sweeping the floor. During dinner Anne saw the oldest lady, that couldn’t eat meat, because of her loss of teeth. Anne saying that she tries not to laugh because of how the lady eats. As she could not stop herself from laughing, as it went from giggling to laughing out loud. Sini tells Anne to get out, as she goes to a room crying, embarrassed. I don’t think I read that much but I tried to understand all of what the story had, as the rest of the story mostly talks about what the family would normally be doing in the everyday life. Johan tells the sisters that someone is here to see them, as Anne and Sini are surprised and happy to see Rachel. Johan asks how long did it take you to get here, as she says only 5 hours. I should apologize about how much I was able to read, but I tries making it a paragraph.


TUR Chapter 6-7

Prompt #7 Pages Read: 21 (101-122)

After hearing about Nazi soldiers searching for a Jew, one of the old ones, decided to practice hiding the two sisters. They told both Anne and Sini to stay very quiet and very still if they find where their hiding, but could only see them if they move. During this, Sini talks to Anne about her appearance, saying that she have been getting headaches, and if Rachel would come back to help them. Sini notices that Anne has been walking in a odd way, as Anne realizes that they haven’t been exercising once this whole event started. Worring for her sisters health, Sini tells Anne to walk up and down the stairs 100 times a day, for her to run if they need to. After many days past, Anne’s birthday comes up, we’re one of the old ones, Johan, gives her a book written by a German. During this Anne had been 12, amazingly strongly forgetting everything bad that happened, and still    finding the good that is happening. Anne finds a magazine, detailing the camps that she didn’t know why this would kill Jews. Only then she found out what the camps were for, only calling them showers that don’t shoot out water, but gas. If I was in this situation and my mother had died, I don’t think I would be willing to trust anyone.

The Upstairs Room Prompt#6

Pages: 88-101(14 pages read)

In this part of the story, The whole “family” had finished their meal. With the days going by Anne and Sini are very kind to the old ones. As they know they will protect them against the nightmare going on outside. One day Dini comes over to announce that the Germans are doing a house check to find a Jew that had killed a German soldier and hid in a house. So Anne and Sini try to practice to hide in a closet, if one of the German soldiers comes in and checks their home.


The Upstairs Room Chapter 3

Prompt#3 Read Pages: 30-48

In this Chapter Annes father believes that they should be hiding from this tragic war. So their father goes into hiding far away, as their mother stays in the hospital trying to survive from this cold. With Rachel leaving to find shelter, or a place for Sini and Anne to hide in. With the girls not hearing from her. As they go to a neighbor that helps the sisters, by disguising them as unexpected people. Trying to make Anne look like a boy, with Sinis hair being changed color. As this will help them not to be expected as Jews, that most people know.

Upstairs Room Chapter 5

Prompt #5 68-83

In this Chapter Anne and Sini try help the home they will need to be staying in for their protection. With the husband who is a farmer, shows his wife and the two sisters of his radio he keeps downstairs, as the man on the radio says that the Nazis are attacking a other place. Even though that might be good for everyone else, then planes that are there flying over the homes, still could drop a bomb at any building. So the owners of the house help Anne and Sini find a hiding place just in case. And it seemed to be a room behind their closet.

The Upstairs Room Chapter 4


In this chapter Anne and Sini found out that their mother has died, as they both cry. But the persons home that their hiding in, they were having a company meeting at their house, as Anne rocks on a chair making not to much noise rocking it enough to fall over, with Sini catching, her as the family laughs loudly to avoid getting the noise to their employees. As later the husband gives them a hideout in the woods to hide away from the war, having the nes day going to a small house, as he will come back next week, with the house owners old women.

The Upstairs Room 2nd Prompt

2nd Prompt, Pages Read: 11

During this moment of the book Anne had to stay with her second oldest sister Sisi. As they both had to go into hiding because of the events outside. With their mother becoming very ill and later they received a message that their mother had died. How they were able to get this message was because a neighbors friend had welcomed the sisters to hide by staying in their attic. Their oldest sister, Rachel, had not arrived yet, so they had become extremely scared and mad, since they had been hiding they couldn’t leave the attic all day and all night.